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7 Tips to Create Effective Retail Displays

7 Tips to Create Effective Retail Displays | Royal Containers Corrugated Packaging Solutions And Displays

We all know that first impressions matter, whether that be a first date or the first look at a brand’s retail display. Specifically, with retail, a great display may be the difference between a new customer and a lost sale. Take a look at our top 7 tips on what makes an effective retail display.

1. Visually Appealing
The primary goal of your retail display is to have customers stop and read the information and contents. To achieve this, you need to have a visually appealing display. The right colour pallet can make a huge difference in a successful display. Stay away from using too many colours to avoid a busy or overwhelming space. Also, having your content and information organized in an easy-to-read way is important to the visual appeal as well. If there is too much clutter then customers will feel overwhelmed and will choose not to read it.

2. Visibility & Location
Picture this, you put in all this effort to create a visually appealing display but it’s hiding in a location where no one is ever going to see it! To make a memorable display, it needs to be positioned in a high-traffic location. Ensure you can request for the display to be placed in a spot where constant customers are passing, and they will have the chance to stop and take a look at the contents. It would be a shame if all this effort was put into making a fantastic display but it never saw the light of day. Location = key to great visibility of the display.

3. Unique and On-Brand
Your display should be able to tell a story about your brand and its values. Having a remarkable display will be able to connect you to your customers and foster new as well as current relationships. It is sometimes hard to stand out in a sea of competitors, but we know exactly how to help you do this! At Royal Containers, our team will personalize your display to make your brand stand out and convey the message that you want to communicate.

4. The Right-size
Unfortunately, retail displays are not one-size-fits-all. Displays with too many items look messy and unorganized, and conversely, displays with too few products and information, leave your display looking unpolished and sparse. We want to help you come up with the perfect-sized display, customized to your products that will leave a lasting impression on your customers.

5. Well-Stocked & Looking Like New
Continuing from our last criteria, having an easy-to-clean display ensures that your customers are left with a lasting impression when they leave the store. Displays are a touch-point for your customers, so they inevitably will get dirty from time to time. Ensuring that they are easy to clean will allow your display to always be looking its best, no matter how many customers you have stopped to look at your fantastic display.

6. Understanding your Customer’s Psychographics
To make an appealing display to your customer, you need to understand their psychological characteristics and traits such as values, goals, desires, and interests.
If you do not incorporate these elements into your display, your brand message can get lost in translation and you won’t be able to make that lasting impression when they leave the store. Working with our team, we will be able to understand what decisions drive your consumers to a point of sale and how to communicate these decisions through attractive displays.

7. Create Something That Can Change the World
In a TEDx Talk with designer and entrepreneur Christiaan Maats, he discusses the importance of product design – beyond its actual form and function of it. He claims, “Meaningful products are based on a belief system we can identify with and serve a purpose that we can empathize with.” Our Retail displays ensure that you can communicate your brand’s message clearly and concisely, helping your customers identify with the message that you are communicating.

At Royal Containers, we understand that it is hard sometimes to stand out and make your mark in the competitive space. We are committed to ensuring that your brand and values are communicated and that you relate with your customers. We have a highly qualified team ready to assist you with your display’s needs and help you make a lasting impression on anyone who engages with your display. If this post hasn’t convinced you yet that we are the solution to your retail display needs, contact us for more information!